The potential of making LC3 cement with different types of kaolin

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University

2 Iran University of Science and Technology



Cement and concrete are essential for the infrastructure of the modern world. The broad availability and low cost of cement production are the primary reasons for its widespread use in construction, contributing to approximately 5-8% of CO2 emissions. Using supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) to replace part of the clinker in cement is the most successful solution to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the worldwide cement industry. Limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) permits the substitution of cement with calcined clay and limestone. This research investigates the properties and characteristics of LC3 cement by considering the crystallinity, associated phases, and specific surface area before and after kaolin calcination, and with 50, 55, and 60% substitution of supplementary cementitious materials compared with 11 different types of kaolin clays compared to Portland cement. The results showed that LC3 concrete with kaolin content of 30% and 16% with 50% substitution at the age of 28 days reaches a compressive strength of about 1.19 times and an electrical resistance of 4.6 and 9.6 times, respectively, compared to Portland cement and also in substitution up to 60%, at the age of 28 days, it reaches acceptable compressive strength and electrical resistance about 18 times that of Portland cement and Portland Pozzolana cement.


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