Investigating the effect of piling during column removal in the progressive collapse of steel and reinforced concrete structures

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Distinguished Professor of Structure Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Semnan University, Iran

2 Ph.D. student in structural civil engineering at Semnan University



In the discussion of progressive collapse, the failure of a member can cause a chain, sequential and consecutive destruction of members and ultimately lead to the destruction of a part of the structure or the complete collapse of the structure. One of the most important issues in the discussion of progressive collapse control and its prevention is determining the key element and strengthening it, which can prevent the total destruction of the structure or a large part of the structure. One of the other very important issues in the field of progressive collapse is the discussion of the dynamic load resulting from the sudden removal of members. In the current research, 10-story steel and reinforced concrete structures, both with a special bending frame lateral resistance system, have been investigated. In order to determine the key element, the method of sensitivity index and push down analysis was used. With the investigations carried out in this research, the column in the corner of the current building plan has a higher damage index. This index is 0.72 and 0.68 in two concrete and steel structures, respectively. In the current research, the effect of piling at the place of column removal in the progressive collapse of steel and reinforced concrete structures has been investigated; This reduces the damage index of the desired member in the reinforced concrete and steel structure.


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