The analysis of ductility of connection in Self consolidating concrete (SCC) members



The analysis of beam-column connections in reinforced concrete, RC structures are ignored in RC standards. However, recently in limited standards, the designs of such an important members are considered for conventional concrete (the type of concrete needs vibrating). Often, such members are heavily reinforced and the passing ability of conventional concrete and suitable concrete vibrating is difficult. As an alternative, the use of new concrete generation, called as Self consolidating Concrete, SCC (the type of concreter needs no vibrating) not only is an advantageous, but also, it can consider as a basically change in such elements.
Scc, with its high fluidity and no need of inner or outer vibration, and high resistance to segregation and shortening construction time are some of its advantageous. In seismic regions, the design of members based on ductility causes more safety while compared with other methods of design.
In the present research, some of the effective parameters for considering of beam-column connection in SCC members and their steps behavior are investigated.