Investigation of the fracture-based performance of heavy weight geopolymer concrete reinforced with steel fibers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Engineering Faculty, Civil engineering Dept. , University of Guilan

2 Engineering Faculty, Civil engineering Dept. ,University of Guilan



In the present study, the mechanical properties of heavy weight geopolymer concrete reinforced with steel fibers including compressive and splitting tensile strength were investigated. In addition, fracture parameters were also investigated according to WF and SE methods. In this research, first, a sample containing natural aggregates without fibers was tested. Then, an example in which heavy recycled aggregates were considered as a complete substitute for natural aggregates. Then, steel fibers were added to the same sample in volume fractions of 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25 and 1.5% and its effects were investigated. The results obtained from the tests showed that the addition of steel fibers with any volume fraction led to an increase in indirect compressive and tensile strengths. The results showed that the fracture energy (GF) obtained by the fracture mechanics method (WFM) in the sample with steel fibers with 1.5 percent is higher than the control sample. However, increasing the percentage of steel fibers has led to an increase in fracture energy. Examining Cf values showed that in samples with 0.5% and 0.75% steel fibers, its value is lower than the control sample and in other samples it is higher than the control sample. However, increasing the percentage of steel fibers has steadily led to an increase in Cf. The GF/Gf ratio for different designs in this research was between 0.81 and 1.14.


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