Evaluating Mechanical Properties of hybrid fiber concrete reinforced

Document Type : Research Paper


1 imam hossein university

2 Imam Hossein University

3 Imam Hosein Uni

4 Assistant Professor,Faculty of Engineering and Passive Defense, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran



In recent years, the use of synthetic fibers to improve mechanical properties and reduce the shrinkage of fresh and hardened concrete, increase energy absorption and impact resistance of concrete, and replace thermal reinforcement with fibers have greatly expanded. The use of various types of fiber has led to the improvement of some properties and the weakening of other properties. Simultaneous use of several types of fibers with designed ratios can enhance the mentioned properties simultaneously and prevent possible weaknesses. In this study, the effect of fibers with various volumetric percentages on compressive, flexural and tensile strength of the samples at different ages compared to the control sample has been measured. The simultaneous combination of steel, barchip and macro-synthetics fibers with different ratios, compressive performance, flexural and tensile performance of concrete has been tested. Among the constructed concretes, the best performance of reinforced concrete with steel fibers in different tensile, compressive, and bending strengths has shown that these fibers perform better than other constructed samples. In hybrid fiber concrete, the best performance in bending and compressive strength and tensile strength has been related to hybrid fiber concrete consisting of macrosynthetics fibers and steel fibers.


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