Numerical Modeling of Masonry Wall Under In-Plane Cyclic Loading With Using the Concrete Damaged Plasticity Model and Assessment of Its Parameters

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of civil engineering, Semnan university, semnan, iran


In this paper, the parametric investigation was carried out on the concrete damaged plasticity criterion which was used for modeling concrete and other brittle and crispy materials in ABAQUS software. This criterion was used to simulate masonry wall under in-plane cyclic loading. The equations of the criterion were first presented, and then the criterion was used to simulate masonry wall the laboratory results of which is available. The dimensions of the wall under investigation were 195×1500×1720 mm (thickness, height, and length, respectively) which were under in-plane cyclic loading. The effect of parameters such as cracking strain, dilation angle, damage, cracking stress, stiffness recovery, and the like was investigated, and the impact of each was presented in the hysteretic curve of the masonry wall. The results indicated the concrete damaged plasticity criterion was useful in simulating the masonry wall under in-plane cyclic loading, but not useful in simulating the effect of pinching on the hysteretic curve. The parametric investigation gave us a substantial understanding of the impact of each of them in the hysteretic curve derived from numerical simulation.
