Three dimensional simulation of plain concrete arch bridges for estimating fundamental frequencies using different geometrical and mechanical properties

Document Type : Research Paper



There are many plain concrete arch bridges in Iran for more than seventy years. These bridges not only have not been designed for earthquake loading, but also high-speed trains would be used in railways of Iran. Therefore, calculation of fundamental frequencies of the bridges against earthquake and high-speed train vibrations is necessary for considering resonance effects. To evaluate complex behavior of these bridges, results of field tests are useful. Since it is not possible to perform field tests for all arch bridges, these structures should be simulated correctly by computers for structural assessment. Several parameters are employed to describe the bridges, such as number of spans, length of spans, geometrical and material properties. In this study, results of field tests are used and adapted for 64 three dimensional finite element models with various physical parameters. Computer simulations show modal deformations of bridges at longitudinal and transverse directions. Also, these results demonstrate that fundamental frequencies of bridges decrease after increasing span length and number of spans. Plus, some relations are proposed for calculation of fundamental frequencies of plain concrete arch bridge.
